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At Arthur's Music Store, we believe in offering you the best available music instruction by professional, qualified teachers. Your lessons will be personalized to fit your individual needs and musical tastes. In order to maintain this quality level we have established the following policy:
Failure to pay monthly fee may risk your place on the schedule.
If you cannot attend your lesson, please call 638.3524 immediately.
Teachers, because of their tight schedules are under no obligation to offer make-up lessons. However, as a professional courtesy, when a lesson is missed, if the student has given a minimum of 24 hours notice of cancellation, and the teacher has available time and studio space, a make-up lesson may be offered at the teacher's discretion.
If the teacher cancels a lesson, a credit will be given toward the following months lesson fees.
Please be on time. Any student who arrives late will receive a short lesson. Schedules are tight and as a courtesy to you and all students, teachers must run on time.
Lessons alone will not make you the performer you wish to be. You must practice the exercises given you by your teacher in a conscientious and disciplined manner. Schedule time each day for practice and stick to it. Write down any questions you have during the week and bring them to your next lesson. This will save time during your lesson and insure that you get answers to those questions.
You will find these policies quite standard. Adhering to them will insure continued service by professional teachers.
Thank you!
Lessons Policy
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